Monday, October 27, 2008

Ways to slash your utility bill

via Popular Mechanics

Did you know you can get an energy auditor to look at your home with an infrared camera? Blue and aqua show where heat isn't moving, and red shows your trouble spots.

Seattle City Light

My own Seattle City Light has a page on finding out how much electricity appliances use.

Mr Electricity

A website to help you find out what are the energy hogs in your life.

Did you know?
If you leave a 100 Watt lightbulb on all year, it costs $98 on average?

The top three energy hogs for most people are:
4400 watts Clothes dryer (electric)
4400 watts Electric oven
3800 watts Water heater (electric)

You can find out how much energy most things use by looking at the label.
(If only amps are listed, multiply the amps by 120 to get the number of watts.)
Amps x 120 Volts = Watts, assuming U.S. 120 volt power.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wattz On


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Personal Environmental Impact Report

PIER is an online tool that allows you to use your mobile phone to explore and share how you impact the environment and how the environment impacts you using location info.

PEIR uses location data that is regularly and securely uploaded from your mobile phone to create a dynamic and personalized report about your environmental impact and exposure

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